Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How I Use My Credit Cards to My Advantage

Buying large purchases on credit is something just about every adult American today does. Debt is just a part of life for most people. Debt alone isn't so terrible, most people couldn't buy a car or house without putting themselves into debt.

The real killer is interests rates. Paying $1000.00 off over the course of the year sounds great, until you do the math and realize you'll pay an extra $600.00. This assumes a 20% interest rate paying $40.00 a month.

Of course all different people have different interest rates and minimum payments, but it adds up very fast and also take a long time to pay off the debt. That thousand dollars could take you 118 month to pay off at the rate I mentioned.

That's almost 10 years!

Don't forget about all the other ways your credit card company will keep your in debt. Many companies offer a payment protection that costs something small like say, $1.00 for every hundred of debt you have per month. It sounds small, but that extra charge you incur every month will just add to the time it takes to pay off your debt.

All of this assumes you aren't making any more purchases with your card, if you are, of course you will stay in debt longer (their goal would probably be forever) and pay mountains of interest.

So how do you escape these insane fees?

Not getting into debt, or at least getting into debt with low interest rates is a good method. Of course this means you'll have to wait longer to buy what you want, but it will save you thousands in the end.

Another way to avoid paying thousands in debt is to pay extra each month. Just paying an extra 10$ a month can do a lot, but that's still giving up too much in interest for me.

When I get into debt I pay it off as quickly as I possibly can, either within 2-3 months if possible. This keeps my payments towards interest minimal but helps me buy items I would normally have to save for.

With my main credit card I actually make a payment every week or so. I use it for all my normal buying like groceries, gas, clothes, etc. I pay the balance off weekly and never have to pay interest or finance charges. Not only that but it lets my card company see my buying habits and helps me earn a higher credit limit which also helps my credit scores.

That's all for now, I'm sure I'll write more on finances later, they are a strong point of mine.

Have anything to add or something I forgot? Questions? Comments? Leave them below, and don't forget to follow me!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Act Your Age

I can't remember how many times I've been told this, and I'm talking about recently. I can't say I agree with this phrase, acting your age isn't any fun!

No, I'm not telling you to throw your check book out the window or to stop paying your utility bill, but always acting your age is just silly. I only act my age when I need to.

When I'm at work, sure, I put on my button down shirt and slacks, keep my shoes looking good and have a professional tone. That's just part of the working world, at least, my working world.

Finances too, I have a mature outlook on. I'm very careful with my money, always paying bills on time, saving plenty each month, all that adult stuff. I do this because it makes sense, ruining myself financially won't get me far so I'm not about to let that happen.

But outside of those moments that require the professional me or the responsible me, I don't really act my age all that well.

I can be loud and rough house when it's not exactly appropriate, like in the middle of my local mall or while I'm grocery shopping. Why? I suppose cause it's more fun than acting professional all the time. Of course I'm respectful to others and don't get in their way, but that doesn't stop me from riding the shopping cart around like it's a car.

Mixing maturity and the kid inside can make for a lot of fun in other ways too.

Being so careful with my money but still embracing the child inside lets me buy all those things I had to beg for when I was a kid. Did you ever want a go kart? Maybe you used to want that RC Helicopter or an awesome RC Tank, who knows? You can buy all that stuff now!

Letting the little me inside out is also great for creativity. Whether it's writing these articles, drawing a picture or thinking of something fun to do, the side of me that handles the bills isn't so good at those things.

One fun little thing I noticed this holiday season, the little you is pretty darn good at choosing gifts for other people. I think I got some awesome gifts for everyone this year and I didn't have to ask a single person. I just stopped worrying about what I thought they wanted, forgot about checking prices, and let that kid inside find the right gifts.

It might sound a little silly, but it worked for me, give it a try.

How often do you let the child inside have free reign?

Have any stories to add? Leave some comments and don't forget to follow me!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Good Deed Goes a Long Way

A happy and fulfilling life doesn't just mean thinking about yourself every waking moment. Interacting with others is just important, even if it's only long enough to help them, which is what this is all about.

When you see someone who could use some help or who has forgotten an item at check out, why don't we do something about it? All too often we're given opportunities to help someone else and it's often considered but we rarely act upon it.

Some do often act, but those people are far fewer than those that turn a blind eye to these opportunities.

Why Not You

Most often it seems that we don't bother with these opportunities because we feel that someone else will act in our place. Maybe the next car that drives past will stop or the old couple can handle their 50 bags of groceries on their own.

Do we honestly believe ourselves when we say that? Or do we just say it to ourselves to make us feel less guilty about ignoring someone we could easily help?

Good Deeds Aren't Done for Recognition

Maybe we don't offer our assistance because we don't think we'll be recognized for it?

I won't say it's not possible for that to happen. I stopped to help an old couple in the snow a year ago, I never actually helped, just stood there while I was mostly ignored. I'll admit I was a little annoyed as I drove away, I wanted to help and they didn't want it.

After a little while I stopped caring but that experience is no reason to stop looking to help others.

Sure, occasionally you might get a funny look, most people don't expect help from strangers anymore and don't always welcome it openly.

So why not start changing that outlook on the world?

Sense of Accomplishment

I'm sure plenty of people would say it's selfish to help someone else to give yourself a sense of accomplishment. Is it really that selfish?

Sure it's great to help people just because, but what's wrong with feeling good about yourself too?

When I give someone some help, even if it takes 10 seconds, I feel a little better about myself afterward. Why? Because I broke that habit of modern society, rather than going on with my own life, I took that extra minute to better someone else's.

It's a great feeling, give it a try, I'm sure you'll agree!

Have you ever helped someone and felt worse afterward? I doubt it.

It Doesn't Take Long

Okay, maybe if you offer to paint your neighbors house it could take you a while, but that's far more than I'm talking about.

Helping someone take in their groceries on a bitterly cold winters night, that might last 5 minutes. I can assure you, they'll be grateful for far longer and may one day return the favor or pass it on to another.

Next time you see the chance to make another person's life just a little bit easier, don't decide against it. Don't think about how long it might take, or how it could cut into your schedule. Just do it, if it someone makes your life harder, maybe someone will come along to give you hand.

Have any experiences giving or receiving some help when you really needed it? Leave a comment and add to the article! 

Don't forget to follow me!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Take Advantage of Losing Your Job

Losing your job is one of the biggest fears employees face right now. With the slumping economy, not only is it harder to find a new job, but with so many people in the market looking for a job, competition is fierce.

Even seasonal jobs at retail stores are seeing many overqualified candidates.

So what are you to do? Why don't you take this time to pursue other interests?

When the people I know are looking for a job they usually fill out as many applications as they can, call the employers after to ask about their application, rinse and repeat. To me this is a very limiting way of going about things, don't you think?

If you're out of a job, what's the harm in trying out all different ways to make a living? That's right! There is no harm, the worst possible outcome would be gaining some experience with new things, what a risk huh?

Doing Your Own Thing

Well what else did you think your other options were? If you're not working for someone else, you must be working for yourself. The great part about the latter option, is that it doesn't feel like work when you enjoy what you do.

Of course, since this article assumes you don't have a job, don't look into starting a car dealership in your spare time, that might not be the best idea at this point.

Try looking into ways to make money with little or no overhead costs. Blogging, for example, works great if you like writing. It's basically finding something you'd like to write about and then writing about it. Of course these is a little more to it than that, but if you can do that, the rest isn't hard by any means.

That's not your only option though, you can sell stuff on eBay, do some local consultant work if you have the knowledge for it. There are plenty of opportunities out there if you look for them, so get going!

Working for yourself means you can do what you love and make a living doing it.

So why not try, at least until you can find another job. Who knows, maybe you'll love not having a boss so much you'll stop looking for a job!

Don't Fear Failure

The fear of failure always seems to stop people from living up the their full potential. But like I already wrote, what's the worst that could happen? If doing something on your own doesn't work, just keep looking for a job.

At least you tried and you won't feel like the last month wasn't a total waste spent only filling out applications.

On top of all that, even if it doesn't turn in to a full time way to make a living, maybe you'll find a new hobby you enjoy.

Have you ever decided against something because of the chance of failure? I have, many times, every time I did though, I ended up regretting it almost every time. Needless to say I don't plan to let fear keep me from pursuing dreams anymore.

Have Some Fun

As always, you have to have some fun with it. I know, I know, how the heck do you have fun with being laid off, right?

Well I don't expect you to walk out of the office, after your boss told you to be out in an hour, with a smile on your face. Being laid off is by no means fun so don't try to force it to be.

But once the initial shock wears off and you get yourself into a sane state of mind, have some fun. You used to spend your whole day or night at work, slaving away, take walks, reconnect with friends, find yourself. After a while you might start to feel bad for the poor saps with a 9-5 job.

Have any comments or experiences with going through a lay off? Leave a comment! Don't forget to follow me!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Power of Laughter

Laugh at your pets, at your significant other, at your neighbors and your boss, taking life to seriously is no way to live!

Laughter isn't just fun, it has a lot of great health benefits that you might not know about. Not only that but it can give you a better social life by building stronger relationships and you may even meet new people by sharing a good laugh.

Do your mind, body and friends a favor and find out why you should laugh well and laugh often!

Your Immune System

Believe it or not laughter helps your body with fighting disease, pretty cool, huh?

Laughter helps increase the number of T cells, which belong to a group of white blood cells known as lymphocytes. These cells are your natural defense against viral attacks.

If you laugh often your body will also increase it's level of endorphins and neurotransmitters. These are positive, health improving hormones that will greatly benefit your body. Endorphins give you an overall feeling of well-being and can even help prevent pain temporarily.

Laughter also decreases the levels of stress hormones in your body which benefits your mental and physical health. This includes cortisol and adrenaline.

Not only does all this increase the strength and effectiveness of your immune system but it helps reduce the physical and mental effects of stress.

Relaxing the Body

Laughter is a great way to relax the body, leaving a relaxed feeling which can last up to 45 minutes.

First it helps stimulate your organs increasing your heart rate and air intake and working just about every other muscle you've got. We're not talking about a chuckle here, I mean a real laugh!

Once your laugh calms down your blood pressure will be increased and your heart rate will be higher but once they drop you'll feel much more calm and relaxed.

This also can benefit stomach aches, laughing will ease digestion and increase circulation relieving your stomachs pain somewhat.

Difficult Situations

By relieving stress and distracting the mind from stress causing ideas, laughter can really help when things aren't going your way. With todays economy that might be far too often.

Though it may be hard during a stressful time in your life, try to find something to laugh about, the benefits could be more than you'd eve expect.

Laughter also helps us view these situations as less of the a threat and more of a challenge. Studies show that when we view something as a challenge we can view it in a more lighthearted positive manner.

Have you ever laughed during a serious situation and suddenly felt a little or maybe even a lot better?

Social Situation

Laughter is an excellent way to bond with others, laughter is contagious and everyone enjoys it!

By bringing more laughter into your own life you can help others bring it into theirs, making new friends along the way. 

Laughing also helps you get rid of the defensive feelings you may get when meeting new people. You will also be less likely to hold back when having a good laugh with new people.

All of this will help you be more comfortable around new people and old friends, make new connections and have more fun!

I used to be very awkward is social situations, but the more I pushed myself to meet more people and surrounded myself with those who make me happy and have a great sense of humor the easier meeting new people became.

Have you ever experienced anything like this?


As you can see laughter has many uses to your body besides just being fun. Don't go a day without it or you may be missing out on a whole lot!

Find what tickles your funny bone and make it a part of your life as often as you can. The more you laugh the better your sense of humor can become, so laugh all the time!

I laugh a lot, a whole lot, sometimes more than I should and often in public. But I'm happy and I'm sure it has made me healthier, so maybe all those people who look at me funny when I'm laughing in public just don't know what they're missing.

So go out, make some new friends, laugh till you cry and never have a bad day again!

Have anything to add? Comments or experiences? Feel free to leave a comment or drop me an email!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Açaí Berries - A Huge Scam or Miracle Berry?

These little berries have gotten quite popular in recent years, I doubt anyone reading this hasn't heard of them already. But just in case you live under a rock or something, it's a small berry that grows on the Açaí Palm. It has some antioxidants in it and is good for your body, but it's not some kind of miracle.

Lots of scams are out there, mostly on web sites purporting that this little berry is some kind of cure-all for anything from weight loss to being the new Viagra.

Let me be brief, there's no independent scientific evidence that any of this is true. Did you know that?

There, now you know.

Yes, it has antioxidants and tastes pretty good, but you won't magically drop 50 pounds by chugging Açaí juice for a month. It won't cure diabetes, make you more sexually potent, burn thousands of calories or any of that junk. Did you really think that could happen?

Eating Healthy

There's no magic fruit or veggie that will solve every health problem and give you all the nutrition you could ever want. If there was, you'd already know and it would probably be a part of every meal and we would all live to be 200 years old.

Until that happens though, just eat a good variety of fruits and veggies often, get exercise and live happy!

If you want some more info on eating more fruits and veggies check out my blog: I Hate Vegetables!

Have you ever been pulled in by one of those crazy açaí ads? Have any other experience on the subject or some comments on my article? Leave some comments and start a discussion!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finding My Purpose

I think I'm starting to find my purpose with this blog, thank God huh?

After trying to figure out exactly what my niche is, either personal development, fitness, eating healthy, etc. I couldn't really decide what fit with this blog well. It has, or will have, elements from all of those categories at some point, but that's not really what it was about.

Finally it hit me today, I'm just trying to help people find ways to be happy, and happiness involves all those subjects. Hopefully that doesn't sound too corny!

This all ties in to being patient when working on your own blog or any business venture online and life in general.

Like the saying goes "Patience is a virtue."

Sadly society once again has corrupted us in this venture. Most people throughout their lives have become very used to instant gratification.

When you're young you can ask or beg for something and most parents will eventually give it to you. Not all parents, but I'd say it's a majority of them do. They do this with good intentions but it has that negative side you might not notice for years.

As we get older we get jobs and eventually credit cards and continue down that road of expecting to get what you want when you want it.

So next time you're rushing through things and wanting instant results, try taking a break and be a little more patient. Taking your time will produce better quality results and relieve some of that stress from trying to force things to be how you want right away.

Have anything to add? Leave some comments and help make this blog better.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

But I Need a Real Job

Recently I was talking to a friend about about jobs, he's been having a terrible time finding one, not much of a surprise there. I mentioned to try getting into blogging, he loves writing and could probably do pretty good with blogging. His response was the title of this post, he wants a "real job".

I never realized how much people disregard blogging and other forms of online business as a real way to make an income. Sure thousands try and many never get far, but that's not much different than any other business, at least blogging generally has no overhead.

So let's go over some reasons to give blogging a shot, if not for full time income at least for some extra cash or even just for the fun of it.

Meeting New People

It's only natural that your blog will attract people who share your interests, people won't stick around if they have no interest in what you write about. The more people that read your articles the more chances you have to meet new people. You might meet people who just like your articles, fellow bloggers, business owners and a whole multitude of other people.

More Opportunities

This ties into the last section, meeting new people opens you up to more opportunities and more ways to make money from your blog.

Meeting fellow bloggers might get you the chance to be a guest on their blog, not only is it fun but it can increase your exposure so more people learn about your blog. Repeat this over and over and it's a snowball effect adding more momentum to your blogs credibility and reader base.

Being a guest blogger is only the tip of the iceberg, after some time you may meet the right people and get to be a guest speaker, write an eBook or get a real book published.

The opportunities can be limitless if you put work into your blog but if you're having fun it won't feel like work at all.

Learn About Yourself

This surprised me, but I've already experienced it a bit first hand. When you write about things you love, you learn more about your own feelings and experiences. Putting the stories and tips from your mind into words gives you a different perspective on them.

For me this is pretty interesting, I love self improvement and development and this is as a little benefit I didn't expect. Give it a shot you might be surprised how your own writing changes you without even thinking about it.

Have Fun

Like always, having fun is just about the most important thing when it comes to blogging. If you aren't having fun you won't enjoy blogging and won't keep up with it.

Don't worry, it's not too hard to have fun with blogging. As long as you enjoy writing and like to interact with others online, all you have to do is give it a shot!

Don't Doubt It Before You Try It

Even if this hasn't convinced you, it's a short list and I'm sure a thousand different bloggers would have a thousand different reasons to get into blogging.

So before you decide not to try out blogging, just give a shot and decide for yourself. You might be surprised by how much fun you have, or you might hate it, let's hope that's not the case though.


As usual, if you like what I write or have anything to add feel free! And follow my blog if you like it.

Hope to see you around again soon.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Interviewing Tips - Why I've Always Gotten the Job Part 2

Here's the second half of my interview tips, hope you enjoy!

I'm going to cover some of those tough questions managers love to ask during interviews for this half.

"Name a time..."

Have you ever gotten a question that started like this at an interview? It's pretty likely you have, manager love it for some reason. Did it trip you up?

The problem is most of the time people don't have a definitive situation to use as an example.

Luckily enough for me, I've never had much of a hard time with these questions. Here is my method for answering these types of questions.

It may seem a little dishonest, but it involves bending the truth. I never outright lie, that will only get me confused and could but me in the behind quickly.

Think of a situation that is at least could have worked for this question. Let's say for example the question is "Name a time you took the lead in a group and how it turned out". If you don't have a time you actually did this it can quickly put you at  loss for words. How would I answer this?

I'd quickly come up with a time I was in a group, anything, no matter how relevant it really is. Then I would retell the story, but tell it in a way that is relevant to the question.

In this example, putting me in the place of whoever was the leader. Since it's much easier to think of a time you were in a group, since it's a broad idea, this can help you find and example quickly. Of course I give it a positive tone, negativity won't do you any good.

"Why do you want to work here?"

This one seems to give people a hard time too, though I'm not sure why. Have you ever dealt with this question? I've only been asked once, though several of my friends have seen it as well.

Of course if this is a profession you went to school for, it's a bit easier to answer, since this kind of job is assumed to be your "dream job". But what if this isn't, maybe it's just a crappy second job, your first job or just a way to survive. So how do you turn this question into your best answer?

First and foremost, you want to know about what you'll be doing before this question comes up. Either by asking or reading about the position before the interview. Once you have an idea of what the job entails, find a task that you'll do often and make it something you love.

For example, if you're working in a Macy's, talk about how you love working with people and you're really into fashion and would love to help people with clothes. Maybe if you're working in an office, say you love working on teams and collaborating or you have a strong attention for details and look forward to finding efficiencies in their processes.

Employees who love what they do are pretty much guaranteed to be more productive, and that's what every manager wants.

"Why should we hire you"

This is very similar to the previous question. Find an example that makes it sound like you will love your job and look forward to doing it.

If you are asked both of these questions in the same interview, I would simply reword the previous answer, and even reference the previous question, saying the answer you gave for that is why you should be hired or vice versa.

"How do you handle mistakes"

This question may not catch you off guard, but your answer can be very critical. If you don't handle your mistakes well and learn from them, you might hurt your chances of getting the job.

When answering this question, just like I said, stress that you learn from your mistakes quickly and that you take constructive feedback well. If it sounds like you will become unprofessional when receiving feedback you won't fit in well with a group effort.

Ask Your Own Questions

At the end of most interviews the hiring manager will ask you if you have any of your own questions, have some!

By asking questions you're showing that you are interested in the job but want to know more. You may not have any genuine questions, especially when you're desperate for a job, you might not care about the details.

Ask anyways, find anything that the interview hasn't covered. Maybe you want to know more about the benefits, outlook for promotions, the kind of hours you could expect to have, is there a probationary period, anything like that.


I hope you liked my tips, I've used all of these during my own interviews and have always made a very strong impression with the managers.

Do you have any tips of your own or comments on mine? Leave some comments!

Don't forget to follow me if you like my posts!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Interviewing Tips - Why I've Always Gotten the Job Part 1

Interviews are that important first impression you make with your future boss and colleagues. For most of us the thought of an interview can get our nerves all wound up.

I have gotten quite good at interviews and can honestly tell you, every interview I've ever done has either landed me the job, or found me another one within the same company. I'm sure you'll find out the more I write that I'm not big on 9-5 jobs, but for those of you who want to pursue this method to earn a living, I might be able to help you.

Dress Sharp

Even though I don't agree with the amount of weight society has placed on looks and style, I can't deny it is just as important to look good as it is to say the right words.

Of course you don't want to overdress, if you're interviewing in a suite and tie for a seasonal job at Target, you might be overdoing it just a little. But wearing a nice button down shirt or blouse with some decent slacks or a skirt can go a long way.

Make sure everything is ironed or at least wrinkle free for the interview, a $1000.00 does no better than a stained T-Shirt if it's not clean and wrinkle free.

My personal rule of thumb for how to dress would be one step up from how you'll dress on a normal work day. For a retail interview, I'd wear a nice button down shirt and slacks, for an office job I'd wear the best shirt I can find with a nice tie. For a position such as manager or supervisor I might go for a whole suite depending on the professionalism of where you are interviewing.

 Smelling Good

It should be obvious, but for some it may not be.

If you're going to be dressing up to look good and using your best lines to land that job, you should smell good too. I don't just mean throw on some speed stick before you rush out the door, try to wear some nice cologne or a perfume.

Go to a nice store like a Macy's or local shop that will have someone who could help you pick out a scent that is appropriate for a professional setting. You don't want to leave the room but have your cologne linger for 30 minutes.

You're Hair Counts Too

I've seen quite a few people have the smarts to dress nice and wear a good cologne and then not shave that morning or rush through it and have a nice razor burn all over their face and neck.

Do yourself a favor and get a hair cut a day or two before, keep it simple so it doesn't take much work the morning of your interview. I'm not too good when it comes to a woman's hair, just keep it simple but professional and it should be good.

More to Come

Tomorrow I'll post the second half of my interview tips. I hope these can be some help to you in your future interviews.

Leave some comments if you have any other tips or feedback for me!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Let the Sun In - The Benefits of Sunlight

Sunlight is great for your body it has many benefits for your health, it can energize you and provide you with vitamins and best of all, it's free and plentiful.

Sunlight can help prevent:

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Mental Depression
  • Many types of cancer that effect the bladder, breasts, cervix, ovaries, prostate and stomach.
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Vitamin D

Sunlight also helps the body to make Vitamin D. This helps your body to use the calcium from your diet, without enough vitamin D you're body will leach calcium from your bones.

Your body can better use the Vitamin D it makes itself, rather than from your diet.

If your job is indoors, such as an office job or most retail jobs, it makes it that much harder to get the right amount of Vitamin D each day.

So how much sunlight do you need to help your body produce enough Vitamin D?

Between 5 and 30 minutes twice a week is an average, but it can be hard to say for use. The body gets Vitamin D when it is in contact with ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. But depending on the time of year and where you live on the world effects how much sunlight you need.

Your Immune System

The sun can help your immune system become stronger, keeping you healthier and happier, especially during the flu season.

This is directly related to the last section, Vitamin D plays a big roll in your immune system.

Being exposed to sunlight or even artificial ultraviolet light causes your body to create more white blood cells, which are the body's main defense against illness.

Vitamin D also helps your blood carry more oxygen, this helps you have more energy and have a stronger feeling of wellbeing. 

Get Outside

Don't think you can just open up the shades and sit by a window. Although it's not a bad idea, I like sitting by the window when it's nice out.

But UVB rays won't travel through glass, so you won't get the benefits of producing Vitamin D just by sitting by the window.

Anyways why would you want to sit inside all day? Go out and have some fun, that's what life is all about!


Just keep in mind, even though the sun has many health benefits, it also has it's dangers.

From sunburns to skin cancer and becoming overheated, play it safe when spending a lot of time in the sun. 

Build up your exposure slowly throughout the year, short stays in the sun is safer and healthier than spending hours in the sun at a time right away.

Sunscreen is good to use when you plan to be exposed for extended periods to sunlight.


Hope this was useful, have any other tips? Leave a comment for everyone to benefit.

Don't forget to subscribe if you like my articles.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Cynicism is Easy

"What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing." - Oscar Wilde

I've got quite a bit of experience with this one. Unfortunately it's a whole lot easier to see the negatives than the positives in life.

I'm sure most of you have experienced this to some degree.

Is it easier to see the problem or to solve it? To turn plans down, or to come up with something to do? The negative path is always easier but the easy path is rarely the right one.

Let's see if I can cover some tips on keeping a positive outlook on everything, it's not all that hard.

Wanting It

First you have to want to be positive, which probably won't be so hard for most, but can be for some.

When it came to me, I considered my cynicism to be "realism". I just though I was just being honest about the world around me and didn't see any reason to think otherwise. Needless to say this wasn't much of a way to think and didn't get me very far.

Eventually I realized that a big reason life wasn't going exactly as I wanted it was because of this attitude.

When you're negative about everything you miss out on a lot more than you realize until you change your point of view on the world.

The Small Things

Looking at the small things, no matter how little their impact on the world and being able to appreciate them can give you a great new perspective on the world.

Nature is a great way to try this out, whether you're in the deep wilderness or your back yard you can put this mindset to practice.

Look at the small stuff, grass, rocks, dirt, sand, leaves, flowers, weeds, animal tracks, mushrooms, anything within arms reach is good enough. Don't take these things at face value, in society these are generally worthless on a monetary level.

Focus on the little details that make all of this so magnificent. The grass which is so perfectly designed, each blade having it's own minute details that makes it unique. The small rocks around you, dull lifeless stone, or something ancient from thousands of miles away?

The tree in the distance may be older than your home and home to countless organisms, from birds and bugs down to bacteria.

The world is alive around you, you just have to open your eyes to see it.

Take Your Time

We rush through life, time is on our mind more than our loved ones, at least sometimes, maybe most of the time.

Slowing down can help you appreciate everything a little more. The modern world isn't concerned with taking a break to watch the sun set or to take a minute to just look at the sky and admire the world for a minute.

I don't just mean at the end of the day to try to stop worrying for 30 seconds about the next day, make it part of your day as much as you can. Why do you drive 75, 80, 85 on the highway every day, what's the rush? Take in the ride, never mind the destination, when you get there you get there, and that's when you can worry about it.

Next time you have too much to do on your day off or after work, don't try to find out how to squeeze it all in, find something that can wait, and let it wait.

Will it Matter in 5 Years

This seems to be a fairly popular method that does work pretty well.

People love to stress over the smallest things, from getting cut off while driving to spilled milk. When you feel yourself getting angry or upset, take a deep breath and think, "In 5 years, will this matter? Will I even remember it happened?"

A majority of the time, the answer is no, many of life's problems are small and nothing to worry about. Sure it might feel like a big deal right now, but don't let something that won't change your life worry you too much.


Have any other ways to keep a positive outlook on things? Have any stories to share? Leave a comment or shoot me and email I'd love to hear about it!

If you like my writing don't forget to subscribe to my blog and become a follower so you can see more of it!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Hate Vegitables

It's true, and probably not all that uncommon in a lot of people. I can't quite place it, but a majority of vegetables disgust me, unless it's part of another food, like pizza, which kind of defeats the purpose.

If you're like me, it can be a little bit of a challenge to get your servings of veggies every day, since they do have a lot of good vitamins and such in them you're body needs.

Here's a couple ways I help myself get all those nutrients I miss out on for not eating carrots, green beans, peas and all of that.

V8 and V8 Fusion

I love this stuff, and before I go on, no I am not getting paid to say it so don't think I'm biased.

It's a pretty simple method, it tastes a whole lot better than straight veggies and has a lot of good stuff in it for you. I usually buy the V8 Fusion since I like most fruits and it's pretty sweet compared to regular V8.

An 8oz glass of the Fusion kind will give you a "combined" serving of fruits and veggies. They seem to like to make it sound like you get a serving of both, but it's a combined serving, so it's more like half a serving of each.

Of course this stuff is pretty expensive ($3.99 +tax around here) and the bottles aren't horribly big, so it could be pretty expensive to get all your servings from this.

Nonetheless it's pretty good stuff and a worthwhile way to get some good stuff in your body without choking down a carrot stick or spoonful of peas, or God forbid, Brussels sprouts.

Total Cereal

This is another brand name I like for it's health value.

Even though the commercials for this were always kind of silly, it does have a whole lot of nutrients your body could use. It also comes in a decent variety of flavors now, from pomegranate blueberry to a classic raisin bran style. I usually buy a box a week at $5.00 each, it's somewhat expensive, again, compared to store brand and even beats out most brand name cereals in price. The box is a fair size, it lasts me a week eating it every morning.

And again, I'm not getting paid to say any of this, I just like these brands and hope you could benefit from some of what I've learned from trying to be healthier.


These are a bit obvious (though the last two might have been also) but they are a good way to get some nutrients quickly.
I buy Centrum tablets, it's about $19 for a three month supply so it's not a bad value. One problem I've noticed with these is that if you don't eat it with enough food it can give you a stomach ache.

From my own experience you'd want to eat something a little heavier like a pasta or potatoes with it. Last night I just at a yogurt with one and had some discomfort, though it only lasted about 5 minutes.

Multivitamins have down sides though as well.

First of all we are always learning about the nutrients we need and discovering new vitamins and minerals that help us. If there is anything out there we haven't found yet, which I'm sure there is, you might miss out on it if you only take a multi vitamin.


Think of it as making your own V8, you could either use a blender or a juicer. The difference being a juicer gets rid of the fibrous parts, a blender just shreds everything down into smaller pieces.

I won't lie, these smoothies won't always look like the most appetizing drink in the world, but they can taste awesome if you find a good recipe you like!

Here's a quick example:

  • 1 cup apple juice
  • 1 cup of sliced apple (sweet tasting apples are better)
  • 1/4 cup applesauce
  • 1/2 cup sliced carrots
  • 1/2 cup of cucumber (peeled and sliced)
  • 2 cups of ice
  • a dash of nutmeg or cinnamon (optional)
Now tell me that doesn't sound pretty good? And I bet you couldn't taste any of the veggies in there if you tried.

With the internet you can find hundreds if not thousands of recipes like this, so why not give it a shot?

Have you tried everything?

For my last section, let me ask you a simple question. Have you tried every fruit and veggie combination out there? If you just said yes, I don't believe you. 

There are so many possible ways to prepare veggies from raw to steamed, fried or in a salad, chances are there is a way to enjoy them. Not only are there are thousands of ways to prepare your veggies, there are thousands of veggies to prepare!

So go out and experiment, not only can it help your health, it's fun and having fun is just as important as being healthy!

Have any other tips on getting your veggie servings every day or some recipes to try out that someone might like? Tell me about em or leave a comment!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Just joined Technorati to help some more people find me!


Finding Your Dreams

I've ready many articles across the web about pursuing your dreams and not letting anyone hold you back, etc etc. Many of those articles are great and are quite inspirational, but they all lack something pretty important, at least to me.

Finding Out What Your Dreams Are

Going out and filling your dreams is half the battle, but for many of the people I know, actually figuring your dreams out is just as hard, if not harder.

It can be a big challenge to pin down one or two things you really want to dedicate yourself to. From my experience there are two sides to this, either you can't find anything you love and want to do with your life or you have a whole lot of interests and can't find just one or two to focus on.

My issue has always been the latter of the two, just about everything that I can learn about sparks my interests. I get really into it for a couple weeks or so, then I find something new to pay attention to. It can be fun doing this, but it's been hard for me to find that one thing that was just right for me.

Most of those I know have always told me to do a computer business, since those have always been on the forefront of my interest. However, did I really want to turn my favorite hobby into a career that I might not enjoy once it becomes a job?

So how did I figure out what I want to dedicate myself to? I've been trying it all, slowly but surely.

I've read about many different professional careers and business, looked into what it takes to do it, the time commitment, cost involved, schooling or certification, job outlook and all the other details.

As I looked through all these careers they all had ups and downs, some sounded fun but required another 8 years of school, which I wasn't crazy about. At once point I considered law enforcement, but I'm still to young to even get into it, so I dropped that idea for the time being.

Throughout all my job searching I've kept mental notes of what I like about certain jobs and dislike about others.

So where am I now?

For the time being I work a day job and spend my nights writing for this blog among other small projects. My long term goal is to turn helping people into a full time job for myself. It feels great, gives me freedom and let's me be creative.

So how does this help to you?

Well, use some of the same methods I did.

Compare all kinds of jobs

Look online at everything you can find, whether or not you think it may interest you immediately, give it a chance and maybe you'll be surprised. Think of professional jobs as well as what you can do for yourself and write down the pros and cons of everything you look at.

Do you know anyone in a profession you might enjoy? Talk to people and try to network, get a better idea of what they really do rather than just what their job description says.

What don't you want to do

Finding what you want to do isn't always easy, but thinking of things you could never do is usually quite a bit easier. Do you have any phobias? Think of anything from fears of heights, spiders, the dark, and rule out jobs that will require you to work in these conditions often.

Do you hate sitting all day, maybe you can't stand the idea of working outside in the elements, can you handle a job that requires a lot of physical strength, how about dealing with chemicals or smells that may aggravate any medical conditions you have or are just unbearable to you?

Do you mind getting dirty or do you want a job that requires a suit and tie, maybe you can't stand corporate culture and want a creative job.

Everyone has different likes and dislikes, listing dislikes first might help you narrow down the careers or jobs you want to do.

Think Ahead

When you find something you think you might like, pretend you start tomorrow and imagine yourself 5 years down the line. Remember, you want to find your dream not a short term goal.

Do you still enjoy doing this for a living? Will it get repetitive in boring? If it's a career working for someone else, is there plenty of opportunity to move up or will you be in the same place for years at a time?

Will you need continued education to do this, is that something you would like?

When I landed my current job, it seemed like the best thing in the world, but as time went on it became boring now I realize it's not such a great job.

Can your dream earn you a living

Most anything in life can earn you a living in some way, but just to be safe, make sure your dream can. If so far your dream is to watch TV for the next 50 years, you might have trouble earning an income on this.

I don't want you to give up your dream if making money doesn't look easy. Give it time and think about it some more, look into how you could possibly make money on it. Maybe you could find a whole new way to make money and live your dreams your whole life and inspire others to do the same!


Living your dreams is what everyone wants to do, but first you've got to find your dreams! Try to use some of the tips in here to narrow your search down or find the dream that's been eluding you.

Never ever settle for a career or job that just earns you money, live a happy and exciting life not a monotonous one!

Have any other tips? Leave a comment or email me your story, I'd love to hear it!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Exercise - It's Not Just About Losing Weight

When you think exercise, do you think of all the health benefits or is it usually just about weight loss?

I'm as guilty as much as anyone, when I think of doing some sit ups or going for a jog I'm out to lose weight more often than not. But did you realize just how many benefits their are to exercise outside of weight loss? Not only are there many other benefits, but I'm willing to bet if you make those benefit your goal, rather then weight loss, you'll be able to stay a whole lot more motivated.

So let's run down a quick list of some great benefits of working out!

A Better Mood

For me this is a great reason alone to exercise more regularly, who can't use a boost in their mood? Especially in todays stressful, fast paced world, a better mood can go a long way. Basically working out releases some chemicals in your brain that will make you feel more relaxed and happier. So next time you need something to do, go for a short jog or even just a nice walk, I'm sure you'll feel better afterward, I always do.

Fighting Chronic Disease

Regularly exercising can help you in preventing or keeping certain chronic diseases under control. I myself was pretty surprised when I found out just how many illnesses regularly working out can help with.

Check out how many illnesses it prevents or can help control for yourself:

  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure or to reduce high blood pressure in people who already suffer from this
  • Colon Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Osteoporosis
  • Helps your body to avoid the build up of plaques in your arteries
  • Benefits your cholesterol levels
  • Depression and anxiety

Better Sleep

Now who here doesn't love this one? I know I can always use this, I'm quite a restless sleeper and normally wake up early in the morning and groggy.

A better nights sleep isn't just nice to have, it can help make you more productive and concentrate better throughout your day. There's one little thing to keep in mind however, exercise to close to bed time can make it harder to fall asleep. So try to keep your workouts earlier in the day and it should help you get a much better nights sleep.

More Energy

After you get your good nights sleep, it only makes sense that you'll have more energy throughout your day. Regular physical activity helps keep your cardiovascular system running efficiently, letting you do much more before needing a breather.

I think we've already got a few compelling reasons to exercise but it's not over yet!

Improve Your Sex Life

I bet you're happy to see this one, don't worry, we're all human here. Do you ever feel too tired by the end of the day or too out of shape to enjoy being intimate? Physical activity may not be a cure all, but I'm sure it can help.

With more strength, stamina and energy, how could it not improve? Not only can it be more fun, but there are less obvious benefits for your body.

In woman regular exercise can help bring increased arousal.

Men who work out more regularly are less likely to suffer from erectly dysfunction, especially as they age.

So how about a little exercise (no pun intended).

Grab a pen and paper or open up notepad and write down one, or more, of these benefits you'd like to achieve. Now whenever you work out, do it for this benefit, rather than losing weight. From my experience, these goals are more noticeable when you begin working out and can help keep you motivated.

If you can stay motivated and work towards this goal or several goals you wrote down, all the other health benefits, including weight loss will follow without worrying about it.

Keep in mind these are just some of the more prominent benefits to regular exercise, there are many other benefits you may not see or notice directly but will make you much healthier in the long run.

So go out there and take a hike, literally!

Monday, December 7, 2009

And so the Journey Begins...

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world" - Anne Frank

I've started countless ventures and failed at just as many, worked for some of the best and worst bosses, lived thousands of miles away from any family or friends and made life changing decisions in under an hour. I'm not your average 20 year old from Western Massachusetts and it's safe to say I'm quite proud of that.

Who exactly am I? Well, my name is Randy, but I'm just another one of the six and a half billion or so humans on this little blue marble hurtling through space.

What's the point of this blog? The short answer would be self improvement. Don't worry, you wont run into article after article of cheesy "You can do anything". I hope to cover all different forms of self improvement, from eating better, forming good habits or pursuing your dreams.

Why listen to me? I've got a better question, why not listen to me? The most you can lose is a few minutes of your time but think of how much value you can get out of my articles if they strike a chord with you. So stick around and read some articles, and if you're not impressed, tell me about it, I know as well as anyone there is always room for improvement!

So let's have some fun with this! That's what life's all about right, having a good time and making the world a little better?

I'm just starting out so why not stick around and watch this little blog grow and see where it goes!