Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Exercise - It's Not Just About Losing Weight

When you think exercise, do you think of all the health benefits or is it usually just about weight loss?

I'm as guilty as much as anyone, when I think of doing some sit ups or going for a jog I'm out to lose weight more often than not. But did you realize just how many benefits their are to exercise outside of weight loss? Not only are there many other benefits, but I'm willing to bet if you make those benefit your goal, rather then weight loss, you'll be able to stay a whole lot more motivated.

So let's run down a quick list of some great benefits of working out!

A Better Mood

For me this is a great reason alone to exercise more regularly, who can't use a boost in their mood? Especially in todays stressful, fast paced world, a better mood can go a long way. Basically working out releases some chemicals in your brain that will make you feel more relaxed and happier. So next time you need something to do, go for a short jog or even just a nice walk, I'm sure you'll feel better afterward, I always do.

Fighting Chronic Disease

Regularly exercising can help you in preventing or keeping certain chronic diseases under control. I myself was pretty surprised when I found out just how many illnesses regularly working out can help with.

Check out how many illnesses it prevents or can help control for yourself:

  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure or to reduce high blood pressure in people who already suffer from this
  • Colon Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Osteoporosis
  • Helps your body to avoid the build up of plaques in your arteries
  • Benefits your cholesterol levels
  • Depression and anxiety

Better Sleep

Now who here doesn't love this one? I know I can always use this, I'm quite a restless sleeper and normally wake up early in the morning and groggy.

A better nights sleep isn't just nice to have, it can help make you more productive and concentrate better throughout your day. There's one little thing to keep in mind however, exercise to close to bed time can make it harder to fall asleep. So try to keep your workouts earlier in the day and it should help you get a much better nights sleep.

More Energy

After you get your good nights sleep, it only makes sense that you'll have more energy throughout your day. Regular physical activity helps keep your cardiovascular system running efficiently, letting you do much more before needing a breather.

I think we've already got a few compelling reasons to exercise but it's not over yet!

Improve Your Sex Life

I bet you're happy to see this one, don't worry, we're all human here. Do you ever feel too tired by the end of the day or too out of shape to enjoy being intimate? Physical activity may not be a cure all, but I'm sure it can help.

With more strength, stamina and energy, how could it not improve? Not only can it be more fun, but there are less obvious benefits for your body.

In woman regular exercise can help bring increased arousal.

Men who work out more regularly are less likely to suffer from erectly dysfunction, especially as they age.

So how about a little exercise (no pun intended).

Grab a pen and paper or open up notepad and write down one, or more, of these benefits you'd like to achieve. Now whenever you work out, do it for this benefit, rather than losing weight. From my experience, these goals are more noticeable when you begin working out and can help keep you motivated.

If you can stay motivated and work towards this goal or several goals you wrote down, all the other health benefits, including weight loss will follow without worrying about it.

Keep in mind these are just some of the more prominent benefits to regular exercise, there are many other benefits you may not see or notice directly but will make you much healthier in the long run.

So go out there and take a hike, literally!

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