Sunday, December 13, 2009

Interviewing Tips - Why I've Always Gotten the Job Part 1

Interviews are that important first impression you make with your future boss and colleagues. For most of us the thought of an interview can get our nerves all wound up.

I have gotten quite good at interviews and can honestly tell you, every interview I've ever done has either landed me the job, or found me another one within the same company. I'm sure you'll find out the more I write that I'm not big on 9-5 jobs, but for those of you who want to pursue this method to earn a living, I might be able to help you.

Dress Sharp

Even though I don't agree with the amount of weight society has placed on looks and style, I can't deny it is just as important to look good as it is to say the right words.

Of course you don't want to overdress, if you're interviewing in a suite and tie for a seasonal job at Target, you might be overdoing it just a little. But wearing a nice button down shirt or blouse with some decent slacks or a skirt can go a long way.

Make sure everything is ironed or at least wrinkle free for the interview, a $1000.00 does no better than a stained T-Shirt if it's not clean and wrinkle free.

My personal rule of thumb for how to dress would be one step up from how you'll dress on a normal work day. For a retail interview, I'd wear a nice button down shirt and slacks, for an office job I'd wear the best shirt I can find with a nice tie. For a position such as manager or supervisor I might go for a whole suite depending on the professionalism of where you are interviewing.

 Smelling Good

It should be obvious, but for some it may not be.

If you're going to be dressing up to look good and using your best lines to land that job, you should smell good too. I don't just mean throw on some speed stick before you rush out the door, try to wear some nice cologne or a perfume.

Go to a nice store like a Macy's or local shop that will have someone who could help you pick out a scent that is appropriate for a professional setting. You don't want to leave the room but have your cologne linger for 30 minutes.

You're Hair Counts Too

I've seen quite a few people have the smarts to dress nice and wear a good cologne and then not shave that morning or rush through it and have a nice razor burn all over their face and neck.

Do yourself a favor and get a hair cut a day or two before, keep it simple so it doesn't take much work the morning of your interview. I'm not too good when it comes to a woman's hair, just keep it simple but professional and it should be good.

More to Come

Tomorrow I'll post the second half of my interview tips. I hope these can be some help to you in your future interviews.

Leave some comments if you have any other tips or feedback for me!

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